Tradition and Technology: Trend Micro Takes to the Water for Dragon Boat Challenge

At Trend Micro, we’re used to fighting it out against a constant barrage of cyber threats facing our customers. But we don’t just want to be number one in cybersecurity: We’re also highly competitive elsewhere. As a company proud of our East Asian links we’re keen Dragon Boat racers, and guess what? Dragon Boat season is now officially in full swing now: not just in traditional countries like Taiwan, but also around the world.

That’s why Trend Micro will be blending technology with tradition when we take on all comers at the long-running Ottawa Dragon Boat festival later this month, following our battling performance at a similar event in Taipei at the end of May.


A tragic tale

The Dragon Boat Festival has many different Chinese names associated with it, but most commemorate the same event: the suicide of poet and minister Qu Yuan back in 278 BC. Qu’s protests at the corrupt Chu government of the day led him to be stripped of his title as minister, and subsequent banishment. After a rival state captured the Chu capital many years later, he is said to have drowned himself in the Miluo river in southern China in a ritual suicide.

It’s claimed that locals who admired the politician-turned-poet raced out in their boats in an attempt to save him, banging their drums in a bid to scare aware the fish circling his body. Or at least, that’s how many interpret the festival’s origins. Given it’s traditionally held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the traditional Chinese calendar it’s also been linked to crop fertility rituals in the region.

Racing for victory

At Trend Micro, all 5,000+ employees across the planet share a common vision: to make the world a safer place in which to exchange digital information. But we’re particularly proud that our unity of purpose in battling cyber threats also brings our disparate teams together in other ways. That’s why despite being located on opposite sides of the globe, our teams in Taiwan and Canada are united not just in a passion for cybersecurity but also Dragon Boat racing.

We sent two teams of more than 60 people to compete in the 2017 Taipei Dragon Boat Festival on 28-30 May, hailing from all parts of the business – R&D to Sales, Technical Support to HR. For anyone who hasn’t seen or taken part, let’s be clear: these are noisy, high-octane, no-holds-barred races – a riot of sound and color but definitely not for the faint-hearted.

Not to be outdone, our Canadian colleagues are going out to stamp their mark on the upcoming Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival, 22-25 June. Dating back to the early 90s, it’s North America’s largest and one of the biggest sporting and entertainment events in Canada’s capital, boasting over 200 teams and 75,000 attendees. If you fancy coming down to cheer on our brave participating Trenders, why not do it from the Trend Micro Paddler’s Paradise, our sponsored area in a prime spot of the shore, offering great views of the races?

We wish all taking part good luck!

from Trend Micro Simply Security


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